The stock transaction tax will increase beginning January 2018 as part of the approved tax reform approved by Pres. Rodrigo Duterte.
Ranking of all PSE Stocks by Profits (2017)
The year 2017 ended with the Philippine Stock Exchange index (PSEi) rising by 25.11%.
We’ve already seen winners and losers in the article 10 Best and Worst PSE stocks of 2017, so this time, let’s take a look at all PSE stocks and their full-year performance last year.
How to Franchise: FamilyMart in the Philippines
Do you want to franchise your own FamilyMart convenience store?
We’re going to make it convenient for you so read below to learn how much the franchise fee is, the franchise application steps, and who to contact to start your own franchise of FamilyMart.
Spot the Difference: New P5-Peso Coin vs. P1-Peso Coin
The new P5-peso Philippine coin is currently in circulation, and some people are saying they’re confusing it with the existing P1-peso coin.
How to Compute Income Taxes in the Philippines (using old BIR Tax Rates)
Year after year, April 15 is a date millions of Filipinos dread. It is because this date is the annual deadline to file income tax … Read More
How important is “Diversification” in investing?
These days, a lot of investors seem to be “in love” with stocks as an investment asset. This is not bad per se, but intelligent investors understand that portfolio diversification is a critical element of an overall investment strategy.
Should I invest in Preferred Stocks?
Most newbie investors think that stocks are the best — and sometimes, the only — choice for investment. Generally speaking, stocks are good investment options, but not all investors will find stocks appropriate for their risk profile or investment goals.
Differences of Preferred Stocks vs. Common Stocks vs. Bonds
For most people, bonds and equity (common stock) are the usual options for investment. We have already discussed these two asset classes lengthily. For a refresher course, here’s our primer on Stock Trading and Investing while here’s our tutorial on Bonds and Fixed Income.