James Ryan Jonas

Speculative (Third-Liners) Stock Picks for 2015

If you checked out our post about the Biggest PSE Stock Gainers in 2014, you’ll notice that majority of the best performers are so-called Speculative or Third-Liner stocks.

Last year’s top gainer, for instance, was Premium Leisure Corp. (PLC) which ended the year with a whopping 675% price increase. That’s not just doubling your money — that’s actually turning a P10,000 investment into P77,500!

(PLC is a casino license holder in the booming Entertainment City in Pasay that houses various casinos. Backed by the SM Group of Companies, PLC is one of the companies behind the newly-launched City of Dreams Manila integrated resort and casino.)

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Top Philippine Stock Gainers and Losers in 2014

Did you make money or lose money in stocks last year?

If you invested in the likes of Premium Leisure Corp. (PLC), Island Information & Technology Inc. (IS), Max’s Group (MAXS) and Double Dragon Properties (DD), most likely you made huge amounts of money from these stocks last year.

If, however, you were stuck in stocks associated with Antonio Tiu, the Greenergy Holdings (GREEN) and Agri-Nurture Inc. (ANI) businessman who found himself in the middle of the Binay corruption investigations, then it’s possible that you are losing money. 

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PSE one of Top 10 stock markets in 2014

Despite the many natural calamities and corruption scandals that plagued the Philippines last year, here’s one reason to celebrate the year 2014.

Based on global stock market data from Trading Economics, the Philippine Stock Exchange (PSE) is one of the world’s 10 Best Performing Stock Markets last year.

The PSE grew in value by 22.76% in 2014, which means an investor who placed P100,000 from the start of January 2014 now has P122,760 at the end of December last year.

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Beware! Cebu Pacific (CEB)’s raffle promo is fake

Making the rounds recently in social media is a “Free Tickets Raffle” supposedly sponsored by Cebu Pacific, allegedly in a bid by the airline to “apologize for the situation at NAIA Terminal 3 on December 25, 2014.”

Be aware that this promotion is fake and is not an official promotion of Cebu Pacific.

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Results of Bank Stress Tests and 3rd Quarter Earnings Update

We’ve got new Special Stock Reports brimming with useful information about the Philippine stock marke and designed to equip you with advanced knowledge and skills that can help you become a successful stock investor.

Take a look at the following special reports from PinoyInvestor, a stock subscription service that delivers analysis and recommendations of eight (8) stock brokerage companies in the Philippines.

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Special PSE stock reports for Filipino investors

If you want to be more knowledgable about the Philippine stock market and ultimately become a smart and successful investor, check out various special reports published by PinoyInvestor, a stock subscription service that delivers analysis and recommendations of eight (8) stock brokerage companies in the Philippines.

Take a look at these highly informative broker reports and recommendations which cannot be found anywhere else.

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Credit rating upgrade: Philippines now 2 notches above junk

Another credit ratings agency affirmed yesterday the country’s investment grade status by upgrading the Philippines’ sovereign credit rating one more notch.

Moody’s Investor Services, one of the three largest credit ratings agencies in the world, now rates the Philippines a Baa2 — signifying “adequate capacity to meet financial obligations although there still exists adverse conditions that could lead to a weakened capacity to meet financial commitments”.

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