News & Current Events

The Crab Mentality of the Filipino people

Imagine a pot of live crabs being cooked in boiling water. Fighting for survival, all of them would surely try to escape. One crab could no doubt climb its way out of the pot. But this is not easy, because the other crabs beneath him would not let him escape. They will pull him down, thinking “If I can’t escape here, then you cannot too.” A few minutes later, all of them will be dead.
Such is the curse of the crab mentality.

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Poll: GMA stepping down in 2010?

SONA 2009 - Gloria ArroyoIs Pres. Gloria Macapagal Arroyo (GMA) stepping down as president in 2010?
Politicians who listened to yesterday’s State of the Nation Address (SONA) cannot seem to agree about it.
According to GMA: At the end of this speech I shall step down from this stage, but not from the presidency. My term does not end until next year.
And also: I never expressed the desire to extend myself beyond my term.
Several politicians, however, think this is not a clear indication if GMA will indeed end her presidential term next year.

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My own State of the Nation Address (SONA)

A few minutes ago, President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo finished delivering her ninth and final State of the Nation Address (SONA).
I don’t see the need to report what was said since the dailies, TV channels, and other blogs have already covered it. More importantly, I don’t see why one would take more than an hour to talk about the current state of the Philippines.
Because as for me, the current state of the nation is simply these three things.

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Philippine holidays in 2010

It’s still five more months before the year 2009 ends, but the Philippine government has already announced the official list of national holidays for the … Read More

Time Magazine Special Issue: Michael Jackson

Time Magazine is rushing today to release a special commemorative edition to remember the King of Pop, Michael Jackson, who died on June 25 due to cardiac arrest.
This issue is surely going to be one of the few priceless Time collector’s editions. Here’s the cover of the magazine expected to hit the newsstands today, June 29.

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