News & Current Events

S&P downgrades US outlook to 'negative'

Credit rating agency Standard & Poor’s (S&P) downgraded to “negative” today its outlook on the United States sovereign debt, citing the risk that the government will be unable to curb rising debt and the growing deficit.
According to the New York-based credit rating agency:
Because the U.S. has, relative to its AAA peers, what we consider to be very large budget deficits and rising government indebtedness, and the path to addressing these is not clear to us, we have revised our outlook on the long-term rating to negative from stable.

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PLDT to kill Sun Cellular, unlimited plans?

PLDT will kill Sun CellularA very popular discussion topic recently among business and tech people alike is the acquisition of Digitel by PLDT. Through the acquisition, Digitel and parent company JG Summit Holdings are basically turning over to PLDT the control of its mobile network subsidiary Sun Cellular.
The question in the minds of current Sun subscribers: what will happen to us? A lot are fearing that Sun’s popular “unlimited” plans will soon come to an end now that PLDT will be running the company.
That fear is valid.

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(Pictures) Flood hits Australia

We take time to share with you images of a calamity in another part of the world that is eerily familiar to most Filipinos. The land down under, Australia, is currently experiencing one of the worst floods in recent history.

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Another plagiarism case? SC Justice Mariano del Castillo and 'Ang Ladlad' decision

Is this another case of “accidental deletion of sources” or a new instance of plagiarism in the Supreme Court (SC) of the Philippines?
No, we’re not talking about the Vinuya vs. Executive Secretary, G.R. No. 162230 (28 April 2010) decision penned by Associate Justice Mariano C. del Castillo but another decision penned by the same Justice which seemingly contains parts copied from various sources without proper attribution.

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Jollibee acquires Mang Inasal for P3 billion

Chickenjoy, Barbecue Chicken — and now Mang Inasal at Jollibee restaurants?
This scenario is bound to happen as Jollibee Foods Corporation (JFC) recently announced it is buying 70% of the Mang Inasal barbecue fastfood chain for P3 billion.

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(Video, Transcript) Radio interview with Manila bus hostage-taker Rolando Mendoza

 The role that media played is now at the center of the investigation of the Manila bus hostage-taking last August 23. The main question: Is the media partly to blame for the hostage-taker’s rampage that killed nine Chinese tourists from Hong Kong?
We all saw how the media scrambled to outdo each other on that fateful day. One local Philippine radio station — Radyo Mo Nationwide (RMN) — successfully managed to interview Rolando Mendoza minutes prior to the killings.
Listen to the radio interview and decide whether the media contributed to the tragic ending of this hostage incident.

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