A controversial thread currently creating commotion in the PMT Forum asks: Are Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) and immigrants stupid and failures?
On one side, a poster argues:
Why do filipinos want to migrate to other countries when in fact they can do well in their profession and can retire comfortably also in the Philippines? Only stupid people who aren’t succesful in life find ways and excuses to migrate in another country. They keep on blaming the government, the country, when in fact they are the ones who are a failure.
Instead of putting up a business and becoming independent in the Philippines, [OFWs] would much rather work for somebody else. Think about just plain stupidity. Look at other nationalities, they are very entrepreneurship [sic]. Most of them started a business at a very young age. OFWs and immigrants are stupid because all they do is give disgrace and dishonor to the Filipinos, the Philippines, and the Philippine Government.
Several members (OFWs and non-OFWs alike) have posted opposing responses.
What’s your take on the issue?
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