Whenever local stocks are reported on business news channels and dailies, a certain statistic is usually cited to assess if the market’s performance is up or down. This number is the Philippine Stock Exchange index (PSEi) — a weighted index of the trading day’s performance of 30 publicly-listed companies. (See Philippine Stock Exchange index (PSEi) composition in 2012)
Whenever local stocks are reported on business news channels and dailies, a certain statistic is usually cited to assess if the market’s performance is up or down. This number is the Philippine Stock Exchange index (PSEi) — a weighted index of the trading day’s performance of 30 publicly-listed companies. (See Philippine Stock Exchange index (PSEi) composition in 2012)
Whenever local stocks are reported on business news channels and dailies, a certain statistic is usually cited to assess if the market’s performance is up or down. This number is the Philippine Stock Exchange index (PSEi) — a weighted index of the trading day’s performance of 30 publicly-listed companies. (See Philippine Stock Exchange index (PSEi) composition in 2012)
Whenever local stocks are reported on business news channels and dailies, a certain statistic is usually cited to assess if the market’s performance is up or down. This number is the Philippine Stock Exchange index (PSEi) — a weighted index of the trading day’s performance of 30 publicly-listed companies. (See Philippine Stock Exchange index (PSEi) composition in 2012)
Whenever local stocks are reported on business news channels and dailies, a certain statistic is usually cited to assess if the market’s performance is up or down. This number is the Philippine Stock Exchange index (PSEi) — a weighted index of the trading day’s performance of 30 publicly-listed companies. (See Philippine Stock Exchange index (PSEi) composition in 2012)