7 Tips on HYIP and Online Investing

James Ryan Jonas

You have started investing in online High Yield Investment Programs (HYIP)? Be warned: 99% of investment offers you see on the internet end up as scams.

But if you do intend to lose money online, read on because we have prepared a list of seven easy steps that will surely help you lose your hard-earned money to scammers on the internet.

7 Tips How to Lose Money Online

Tip#1: Believe everything you read on the internet

Ever heard of the phrase “On the internet, nobody knows you’re a dog”?

It means that online, it is easy to be somebody and similarly easy to write on just about anything. How easy? Take a look.

  • Elvis Presley is alive! I saw him moments ago in downtown New York!
  • I killed JFK! And John Lennon too!
  • Today I saw this best investment opportunity that can double your money in 1 week! Guaranteed! No risk! Be the first to try it!
  • We are a long term high yield private loan program, backed up by Forex market trading, and investing in various funds and activities. We invest your money for you in well established high yield interest programs and pay returns on a daily basis.

So next time you see an “amazing” income opportunity, think twice before immediately jumping in. Probably it was a dog who posted that advertisement. Or a scammer.

Tip #2: Trust people who post good things about an online program

Not everything you see on the internet is true and not everyone who post on the internet is telling the truth. So if someone said an online program is the best because Britney Spears invested there or because it was featured on the Oprah show or because the guy himself has already earned ten times his investment, take it with a grain of salt. The guy might just be a cheerleader or a referral whore.

Tip #3: Do not do research

Ever written a paper in school without conducting research? You must be a genius! But for the rest who are not, chances are your online research (read: Wikipedia and Google) is what did your research paper.

It’s the same thing with online investment programs. You need to conduct due diligence to ascertain whether a program is scam or not. Use search engines to see what other people are saying about it.

One way to check if an online program is true or not is to Google the phrase “(name of program) scam” as in “FrancSwiss scam” or “12DailyPro scam” or “SMFund scam.” If the results show a lot of people are saying the program is scam, then it MUST be scam.

Tip #4: Invest money even if the program is already declared “Scam” or “Not Paying”

You did research and saw that people are branding an investment program a scam. You visited the website and, on the side links, noticed a “Not Paying” button (a program status button from HYIP monitoring sites). And you still invested? What’s wrong with you?

Tip #5: Do not ask questions

Would you apply for work in a company that does not disclose the exact nature of its business? Would you enroll in a university that does not announce who the teachers are and what the subjects would be?

If not, then why invest in a program that conceals the names of its owners or operators, does not disclose the location of their operations, and does not fully explain how they generate money?

Ask questions before deciding to give money to an online program. Some questions you can possibly ask:

  • Who are the owners of the business? Are there reputable sources or references where I can verify the identities of these people?
  • Where do they operate? Do they have authenticated documents that can prove they can operate there legally (like SEC registration, business certificate, etc.)?
  • How exactly do they make money? Can they show proofs of income or authenticated documents that confirm they are really making money from what you are supposed to be doing?

Tip #6: Do not diversify

So you decided to take the risk and invested in a High-Yield Investment Program (HYIP). How best to lose money? Put all your eggs in one basket. Just choose one HYIP and invest all your money there. Do not diversify, do not spread your risk in other investment programs. When that program disappears, so will your money. All of it, in one fell swoop.

Tip #7: Be greedy

You put money in an HYIP and it has already doubled after a month? Congrats! So why not let it stay for another month so it will triple? And one more month so you’ll get four times? How about another month?

Let your investment roll in the hopes that it will earn 1,000 times your principal. Then bam! Once the program’s gone, just blame yourself for being greedy and for not withdrawing anything.

High-yield online investment programs are not long-term investments and will never be. Most of them are not even legal.

So if you want to lose money online, follow our seven tips above.

Happy HYIP investing!

(And if, until now you haven’t noticed this was a sarcastic post, you probably deserve to lose money in your HYIP “investments”.)

James Ryan Jonas teaches business management, investments, and entrepreneurship at the University of the Philippines (UP). He is also the Executive Director of UP Provident Fund Inc., managing and investing P3.2 Billion ($56.4 Million) worth of retirement funds on behalf of thousands of UP employees.